Dr. Mwanukuzi is the Climate, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing Expert. He has a strong orientation in areas of geographical information system (GIS), environmental planning and management and local governance. He has extensive experience of working with public sector as a researcher and he currently holds a senior position in a reputable higher learning institution in Tanzania.
Dr. Mwanukuzi has a PhD in Geography (majoring Climate, GIS and Remote Sensing) of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, Masters (M.A) in Geography (Majoring Society-Nature Interactions), Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts,
USA; Masters (M.Sc.) in Applied Geomorphology, of Manchester University, Manchester, U.K.; Bachelors (B.Sc.) in Geology, of University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and a Certificate of UNIX/C/C++ Programming of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.
Dr. Mwanakuzi has done various assignments in areas of Land Management, Governance and Leadership, Poverty, Vulnerability and Resources Rights, Environmental Flow Assessment, Sustainable Crop production, Rural Livelihood Diversification, GIS, Biophysical Climate Model and Geomorphology of Wetlands. Areas of research interest are Land and water resource, urban planning and management, Climate Change, Land Use/Land Cover Change, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Environmental Flows Assessments (EFA).
For more information on the Consultant CV you can contact the Managing Director through e-mail: nccotz@gmail.com or direct call to +255 765 006088.