Devotha is an Agricultural Economist and Gender Specialist. She has experience of working in areas of research, training, outreach and consultant. She has a MSc. Agricultural Economics and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania. Also she has a Post Bachelor Research Fellow in Gender and Diversity offered by African Women Agricultural Research and Development in Kenya. Currently is pursuing a PhD in Agricultural Economics at Sokoine Universtity of Agriculture. Her interest is on agricultural research and international trade.
Ms Devotha has experience in invention research, project management and strong organizational and administrative skills with the ability to work independently and use her own initiative. She also has the ability to prioritise whilst under pressure meeting tight deadlines. Miss Devotha is the Associate Manager for NCCL and currently working as Agricultural Research Officer and Social Economist at a reputable Agricultural Research Institute in Tanzania. She has experience on Monitoring and Evaluation of programmes (M&E), project designs and implementation by using Participatory Approaches such as Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD), Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool, Gender analysis and Institutional Analysis.
She has been involved in consultancy and field assignments related to organizational development, planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessments of development involvement, baseline survey on socio-economic activities as well as capacity assessment in strengthening farmers.
Also she is aware to various qualitative and quantitative analysis tools such as Excel and SPSS. Participated in Households Farm System baseline survey, at Kongwa and Kiteto under Africa RISING Project; Analysis of cereals performance under climate changes in Singida with Sorghum for multiple use project; Grape performance assessment at Bunda and Tabora under Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development; Gender analysis study at Kongwa and Kiteto under Africa RISING Project and Midterm and ex-ante impact assessment on upgrading strategies on food value chains in Morogoro under Trans-SEC Project.
For more information on the Consultant CV you can contact the Managing Director through e-mail: or direct call to +255 765 006088.