Assignment 1: Final Evaluation for an Inclusive Eye Health project in Central Zone Tanzania Implemented by Mvumi Hospital, Dodoma Region which was Financed by Germany Lions CLub (SDL), German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Christofel Blinden Mission (CBM), May-June, 2024.
The purpose was to reflect on the process of developing the project, assess the progress made towards its overarching and specific objectives, identify and address any challenges encountered and extract valuable lessons for future project durations.
Assignment 2: Endline Survey for Improved Quality, Capacity and Sustainability of Districts Paralegal Services (LSF/KAESO) Project in Rukwa Implemented by Kaengesa Environmental Conservation Society (KAESO) and Financed by Legal Service Facility (LSF), September-October, 2020.
The purpose was to inform the LSF/KAESO project team, the management and the partners (LSF) in particular on how well the project performed. The study also draws conclusion and the lesson learned and gave recommendations for up scaling in other areas and for designing new interventions (programme design).
Assignment 3: Endline Evaluation for CSOs/NGOs Empowerment on Citizens’ Accountability – CAG Audit Reports in Dodoma Region. The project was funded by French Embassy and Implemented by NGO Network for Dodoma (NGONEDO) under Supervision of the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS), November to December, 2018.
The evaluation aims at assessing the achievements in terms of goals, outcomes, and outputs based on log frame indicators. Also the evaluation was carried out to assist stakeholders to determine whether projects have been implemented in accordance with the project document and whether anticipated project outputs have been achieved.
Assignment 4: Endline Evaluation for Scaling-Out Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies in Southern Highlands of Tanzania (SHP002) Project funded by Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and Implemented by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP), May to June 2018.
The purpose of this end line project evaluation was to provide an independent performance evaluation that will inform Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), implementation partners (IRDP& IITA), collaborators (CARITAS Njombe and Songea) and other stakeholders whether the project achieved its objective in supporting the communities in Southern Highlands of Tanzania particularly in Njombe, Namtumbo and Songea Rural districts.
Assignment 5: Final Evaluation of Livelihood Improvement for Poor Families through Goats Production Project in Three Rural Communities of Kilolo, Kising’a (Kilolo District in Iringa Region) and Leshata (Gairo District in Morogoro Region) in Tanzania, funded by Children Mission’s and implemented by Navigators Tanzania, March to April 2017.
The overall objective of the end of project evaluation was to generate knowledge from the Navigators Tanzania Goat project, experience in collaborating with and supporting the community in Kilolo, Kising’a and Leshata and assessing the processes and achievements made to draw lessons that will inform the development of the next project.
Assignment 6: Preparation of M&E framework and tools for Centre of Excellence in Cardiovascular Sciences (CoECS) project at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences under the East Africa’s Centres of Excellence for Skills and Tertiary Education in Biomedical Sciences- Phase I, funded by African Development Bank (AfDB), November to December, 2015.
The overall objective of Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for the Centre of Excellence in Cardiovascular Sciences (CoECS) was to provide documentation for both MUHAS management and stakeholders to manage and track project and as a guidance in assessing training in specialized human resources for health to deal with cardiovascular diseases at primary, secondary and tertiary levels and at the same time carry out research to related areas.